“Davidoff!,” my junior high school gym teach would shout at me. “You’ve got two speeds. Slow and reverse!” Not coming from a sports-minded upbringing, those words have stuck with me for over 35 years. My coach’s wisdom was never more applicable than it is today.
We live in a time mandating transformation. Individuals and organizations are either evolving and progressing to meet new demands or they are slipping. There is no in-between. Use it or lose it.
One of the most engaging aspects of our work at Davidoff Communications is that our clients ask us to help move their organizations forward. Through our Mission-Driven Marketing™ methodology, we provide a comprehensive assessment of our clients' organizations and the competitive marketplace in which they function. Mission-Driven Marketing helps us work with our clients to identify a game that they can win, leveraging the unique skills, strengths, expertise and assets of the organization. It helps uncover the pathways that will take our clients successfully from their current state to their ideal state, connecting the dots along the way between their mission, message, marketing, bottom-line and relationships with their stakeholders.
During these challenging economic times, many of our clients have told us that it feels like the world is passing them by. Newer, younger, more progressive competitors are emerging. Companies are not keeping up with best practices in sales and marketing. That’s a perfect situation for the kind of consulting we do at Davidoff Communications.
One of the reasons we’re effective consultants is because we practice what we preach. Just like our clients, change is inherent in our business too. We must continually develop ourselves individually and as an organization. That’s why we ask our employees and interns to participate in the "More Life Personal Transformational Experience" weekend training offered by the Wright Leadership Institute. This personal growth and leadership development program, led by Drs. Bob and Judith Wright, offers participants the opportunity to learn from the Wrights' 30 years of studying what makes people and organizations effective and satisfied. The next More Life Personal Transformational Experience will be held in Chicago, September 24-26th. To learn more or to register visit www.MoreLifeTraining.com or call 312-329-1200.
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