Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Democracy in Action

By: John Davidoff

I walked the halls of Congress yesterday (2/28/12). Literally. I participated in the Museum Advocacy Day sponsored by our client, the American Association of Museums ( About 300 museum professionals from all over the US spent all day Monday 2/27/12 going through a fantastic training at the Georgetown University Conference Center. On Tuesday 2/28/12 we arrived at Capitol Hill at 8am for a full day of lobbying for support of the our country’s 18,000 museums. I, personally, had face-to-face meetings with three Congressmen (Danny Davis, Jan Schakowsky and Bob Dold) plus four other meetings with staff from Senators Durbin and Kirk’s offices and Congressmen Quigley and Jesse Jackson Jr.’s offices. I had never done anything like this before. I am amazed at how truly accessible our elected federal government representatives are to the voters of the United States of America. This was a fantastic experience and I am planning to be back next year for Museum Advocacy Day 2013.

*John Davidoff (left) visits with Illinois Congressman Bob Dold (center) and Kohl Children's Museum CEO Sheridan Turner (right) in the US Capitol Rotunda during Museum Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 28.

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